Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I moved!

I've decided to switch to WordPress for this blog. My new site is http://thatotherjenn.wordpress.com/

Hope y'all enjoy the new blog!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda

The past couple of days have been kind of hard for me. I've been thinking about Syracuse (where I'm from) and my friends and family that are still up there. I get in those moods every now and then and I'm fine in a day or two, but it still sucks, no matter how long it's for. I really decided the day before the move that I was going to join my parents (my mom and stepdad), and move to TN. I think about if I would've done certain things differently up there, I still could possibly be there and I think I feel guilty when I look at it that way. Don't get me wrong, I love TN and if I hadn't have moved here I would've missed out on some great opportunities. I met my husband, Rob, 10 months after moving here and I finally have gone back to get my bachelors degree since being down here. Those are two things that never would've happened if I would've stayed in NY.

However, the one thing that I haven't been able to replace are the friendships I had. My circle of friends is fairly close and we've known each other forever. Two of the most important people in my life, who have always had my back no matter what, who are more than best friends are Bre and Stacey. These two are more like sisters to me than anything. Stacey and I have been best friends since we were 12 and trust me, we've had our share of fights, but that's never ended our friendship. I have so many memories with this chick, good and bad, and the only thing that I would change is that we talk more than we do. We let it go too long in between catch up sessions on the phone. I've been best friends with Bre since we were around 15. This girl is my schnuffel bunny and I'm her schnozzle bear and I honestly don't know what I would do without her. She is my biggest support system and I love her to death...she's the Ethel to my Lucy! We've been through breakups, moves, jobs....just everything you can think of and it always makes our friendship stronger.  Don't get me wrong, Stacey has been there as well, and I'm thankful to have both of them in my life, it's just Bre and I are a little closer and part of me feels guilty for that.

It takes two people to keep a relationship going, and that's any kind, whether it's a romantic one or a friendship. Around our senior year of high school is when Stacey and I started to not be as close. I'm not really sure what caused it, I have my thoughts about it, but I can't be 100% sure. I do know that I hate it. Moving down here obviously didn't help, but we weren't really hanging out that much before I moved either. Like I said, we've had our share of fights, but we've also had a ton of fun. I just hope she knows that even though I'm closer with Bre, that I still value our friendship and love her just as much as I do Bre. Both of these ladies have known me for such a long time and we have so many memories and neither of them can be replaced. I love you guys!

This picture was actually taken back in 2008 when they came down for my 26th b-day :-)

Don't get me wrong, I've made friendships down here that are important to me as well. It's just, they don't really know me as well. I don't really show my true self to a lot of people down here because I don't want to get hurt and I just feel that they won't get me the way my NY friends do. There is one person who has really seen my "NY" side and the real me, more than anyone. I met Trish a few years ago when we worked for the same company. She is the lime to my margarita and I love her to death. She always knows just what to say and she isn't afraid to give me a kick in the ass when she knows it's whats best for me lol. We have a lot of our own memories as well, and she's like a TN version of Bre, so that does help somewhat, but we obviously haven't been through the same stuff together. And I have another friend, Susan, she's my puta! We have a lot of fun together but she doesn't really know the real me. Well, she does a little bit, like my goofy side, but that's really it. 

I know you're probably all "Well shouldn't Rob know the real you?" And he does for the most part, but not like people from NY do. Rob and I only knew each other for 5 months before we decided to get married, and then 2 months after that we were married. So we only knew each other and dated for 7 months before tying the knot. We definitely rushed things and should've gone slower. So while part of me is all, "What the hell were we thinking?"; another part wouldn't trade it for anything. This man accepts me for me, flaws and all, and he has shown me what true love really is. We've gone through so much together and honestly, in the past I would've left guys for some of the things we went through, and he would've done the same in his past relationships; this is how we know we should be together. The things we normally would've left people for in the past, we're still together. Some people don't understand how we're together or why we're together, but it's something I can't explain. Our friends are different, we're different, we come from totally different backgrounds, but there's just something there that makes us want to be together and work through everything. 

And I obviously miss my family that's all up there, especially my little sister Katie aka Lulu. I want to be there to be someone she can talk to about anything and go shopping with and do all the sister type stuff and it hurts that I can't. She just turned 13 in February and man, my dad and stepmom have their hands full. I did get to talk to her the other day and I think that's what she needs, just someone to talk to that's not her parents or teacher or coach. She opened up to me and while yes, she still has that wonderful teenage attitude, I think it helped her. I actually look forward to having more big sister talks with her and I hope she does too.

Thank God for Skype! That has been the best way for me to keep in contact with my sister and dad and I love my weekly sessions with them. Hopefully, they'll become more frequent with my sister now that she has her own Skype account. :-)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

New Blog

I decided that I wanted to let the 3 people that actually read my other blog (chunkifiedtofit.blogspot.com/) have more of a glimpse into my oh so fascinating life hence this brand spanking new blog! The other site I co-blog with my dad and is chronicling the wonderful journey that both my dad and I are on to getting fit. If you actually read the other one, you'll know I've been slacking big time....both in actually working out and on blogging about it. I started to actually write about more than just that but since it was meant only for writing about getting in shape, I figured it would make more sense to create this second blog to talk about more than just that. I do promise to update both blogs more than once every two months, especially since a good friend of mine has called me out on not being a devoted blogger lol.

All opinions and suggestions are always welcome on ways to improve either blog or on whatever. However, I do just like to have fun and be myself, so if something seems silly or goofy, it's really just me being me.